Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma
NOTE: While these reports have been taken straight from the Sheriff's Office, individuals are innocent until proven guilty. These addresses reveal the block number, not an exact location.
July 25
1600 blk S. Mission Rd. (3) Arrests - Subject stop - (1) Possess narcotic controlled substance and controlled substance paraphernalia, (2,3) Possess controlled substance paraphernalia
July 27
300 blk W. Clemmens Ln. Armed suspicious person - Simple battery
July 29
39300 blk Daily Rd. Found narcotics/narcotic seizure
200 blk Via Cassandra Petty theft - From building
July 30
2100 blk S. Mission Rd. Arrest - Subject stop - Possession of controlled substance and paraphernalia
N. I-15 / Gopher Canyon Take vehicle without owner's consent/vehicle theft
800 blk E. Alvarado St. Arrest - Family disturbance - Other agency’s misdemeanor warrant
800 blk E. Alvarado St. Shooting at dwelling/occupied vehicle and vandalism: $400 or more
July 31
1600 blk S. Mission Rd. Arrest - Subject stop - Possession of controlled substance paraphernalia
1300 blk S. Mission Rd. Arrest - Traffic stop - Possession of controlled substance paraphernalia
Aug. 1
1600 blk S. Mission Rd. (2) Arrests - Special detail - (1) Other agency’s felony warrant, (2) Possession of narcotic controlled substance, controlled substance and paraphernalia
31700 blk Rancho Amigos Rd. Simple battery
300 blk Ammunition Rd. Petty theft - Motor vehicle parts
3100 blk Gopher Canyon Rd. Welfare check
100 blk W. Alvarado St. Suspicious person - Misc. incidents
1700 blk Vista Del Lago Dr. Misc. incidents - Assault
31900 blk Del Cielo E. 5150 - Mental health evaluation - 72 hr observation
E. Mission / Willow Glen Rd. Arrest - Disorderly conduct: under the influence of drugs
Aug. 2
400 blk Ammunition Rd. Lost article
300 blk Woodcrest Dr. Contempt of court - Violate protective court order
800 blk Old Stage Rd. Preserve the peace - Misc. incidents
900 blk S. Main Ave. Fraud - Found property - Counterfeit/fake currency: bills, coins - U.S. or foreign
39300 blk Daily Rd. Missing person: adult
3800 blk Valle Del Sol Misc. incidents
Aug. 3
500 blk N. Main Ave. Arrest - Battery - Assault with deadly weapon with force: possible great bodily injury, cause harm/death of elder/dependent adult
35900 Shetland Hills E. Arrest - Simple battery
Aug. 4
400 blk Iowa St. Assault - Sexual battery
500 blk De Luz Rd. Medical Examiners case - Death
Aug. 5
1000 blk S. Mission Rd. Vandalism - $400 or more
900 blk Sunny Hill Ct. Medical Examiners case - Death
2900 blk Sumac Rd. Lost article
Huffstatler / 2nd St. Misc. incidents
1600 blk S. Mission Rd. 5150 - Suicide actual or attempt - Mental health evaluation - 72 hr. observation
39000 blk Harris Trail Arrest - Domestic violence - Battery: spouse/exspouse/date/etc.
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