Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Kicking It around the Swamp, Part 2

Apparently, Trump didn’t get the slam. Because unafraid of threats, he climbed on Air Force One, flew across the Pacific, and met with North Korea’s leader Kim Jung Un. The threats to bomb California stopped.

In the last year of his presidency, none of their bogus accusations stuck to DJT. Worse still, after three years of his government, Americans started believing they were endowed with inalienable rights to govern themselves. Clearly, he would win reelection and this time, he would drain the swamp.

No matter what the Left did, they couldn’t stop Trump from building the wall.

It wasn’t that the Democrats didn’t want to build a wall or that they didn’t deport millions of illegals under every previous administration, including Obama’s, it’s that they didn’t want Trump to get any credit for it. Even following the same procedures as his predecessors, the fake news outlets distorted the way families were separated for deportation – knowing full well, it was the status quo.

To this day, the 2,000-mile southern border along California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas harbors a dangerous threat to Americans.

When Trump took office, only about 650 miles had some form of barricade in place. By the time he left office, he’d added another 110 miles.

Every one of his predecessors promised to build that wall. It just never happened. Maybe that promise was just a way to get elected?

More was coming forward. It was surfacing that, without a by-your-leave from Congress, that former President Obama had filled a jet with billions of taxpayer’s dollars and sent it to Iran. What? That was illegal. Yet, still, no one else seems to wonder how many millions and millions fell on the tarmac to build those multi-million-dollar Obama homes?

Or before him, how did that poor-trailer-trash government worker from the edge of Arkansas manage to acquire his wealth? Hmm?

Yet, instead of investigating Barrack’s malfeasance, his cronies in the press followed the Clintons’ Rule Book and upped their attack against Trump.

So why did the media dogs go after the only man who in the past decade actually paid for his homes with his pay check? Unlike these yoyos, Donald Trump had a day job for decades before he ran for office. Shoot, he even bought an airplane!

Trump kept fulfilling campaign promises. Before congress could filibuster to stop him, this savvy real estate tycoon moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. But wait. No one got paid off. The billion-dollar price tag to relocate the Embassy didn’t happen. Trump wasn’t behaving like a politician!

With the same brashness, known only to accomplished men like Trump, The Donald met with Putin. Face to face. Man to man. He didn’t hide in the Oval Office over the telephone. After playing Whose-Got-the-Biggest-Button-Power Game, Putin was left with his pride and locked his missile siloes.

DJT then turned to China and slapped them with monstrous tariffs to stop their greed.

All the time, not one person in the Trump family demanded $40,000,000 from Ukraine!

Amidst all the impeachments and other razzle-dazzle going on, the new leader of the free world, put our NATO allies on notice advising them to pay their dues or lose America’s support.

And he kept building that damn wall.

Even with impending impeachment proceedings, DJT ended the out-sourcing of U.S. goods and manufacturing jobs. First. he canceled the NAFTA agreement and replaced it with a new fair one. Then he promised if any company would leave American workers behind jobless, that company must be prepared to face import tariffs “the likes they’d never seen before or imagined.” Once more, the President saved American jobs.

What the Dem’s still didn’t understand is that DJT is a businessman. His handshake is sacred. His word is gospel. Trump doesn’t care if you work for him. Shoot, you don’t even have to like him. He doesn’t care if you voted for him. (Although his ego would like it if you did). All that matters to him is he took an oath and gave his solemn word. He keeps his promises. He believes in America’s principles: Hard work, Prayer, The flag and our Country.

Which is why by the spring 2019, as Trump kept winning, I mean, the dude dodged Kryptonite bullets like Clark Kent.

He doesn’t drink. He doesn’t smoke. He doesn’t use drugs. Nor does anyone in his family. After much digging, they did find him to be a lusty guy, so things did get stormy.

By now the DNC mob was going crazy. They (Barrack, Joe, Bill, Hillary, Nancy, Chuck, Gates, Hollywood moguls, and dark-money donors) desperately needed to reseize control.

To be continued Sept. 12.


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