Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

About Village News

The Village News has been Fallbrook's and Bonsall's news source since 1998. We have an award-winning staff made up of local residents dedicated to keeping our community up-to-date on local issues.

Mission Statement of Village News, Inc.

"To be the hub of communication that informs, connects and strengthens the communities we serve with journalistic integrity."

Newspaper Organization Ethics and Code of Conduct Statement

At Village News and Valley News, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of journalism ethics and integrity, as guided by the principles set forth by the Society of Professional Journalists. Our commitment is to serve the public with news and information that are accurate, fair, and comprehensive. We believe in the importance of transparency, accountability, and the ethical pursuit of truth, which are foundational to our democracy and society and which are protected by the First Amendment. We take our jobs very seriously as the founding fathers of our country, in their foresight and wisdom made provision for, to be the watchdog of government.

Truth and Accuracy

Commitment to Truth: We strive to ensure that all information we publish is accurate, complete, and in context. We will diligently verify all facts before publication and correct any inaccuracies promptly.

Transparency of Sources: We aim to be transparent about our sources of information, protecting anonymity when sources require it for safety or other valid reasons, but always striving for openness wherever possible.

Fairness and Impartiality

Fair Reporting: We are committed to impartial reporting, providing balanced coverage of stories without bias. We will represent all relevant sides of an issue and give all parties involved the opportunity to be heard.

Respect for Individuals: We will show respect for all individuals involved in our stories, avoiding stereotyping, discrimination, and undue harm. We will be particularly mindful of the impact of our reporting on vulnerable groups and individuals.


Editorial Independence: We maintain strict independence from political, commercial, and other external influences in our reporting. Our decisions are informed by editorial considerations and the public interest, not by outside pressures or interests.

Conflict of Interest: Journalists and staff must avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. We disclose any potential conflicts to our readers and take steps to mitigate them.


Responsibility to the Public: Our primary obligation is to the public's right to know. We hold ourselves accountable for the quality and impact of our work, welcoming public scrutiny and responding to criticism constructively.

Ethical Conduct: All staff members are expected to conduct themselves ethically in their professional and personal actions, as these can affect the credibility of our newspaper and the trust of our audience.

Transparency and Engagement

Engagement with the Community: We seek to engage with our community, listening to their concerns and feedback, and reflecting diverse voices in our reporting.

Transparency about Our Practices: We are transparent about our journalistic practices, decisions, and policies. We openly share the processes behind our reporting and encourage dialogue about our ethical standards.


At Village News and Valley News, we believe that adhering to these principles is essential to earning and maintaining the trust of our readers, upholding the integrity of our profession, and contributing to an informed society. We commit ourselves to continuous improvement, education, and reflection on our journalistic practices and ethics. This code of conduct is a living document, subject to review and revision as we strive to meet the evolving standards of journalistic excellence.

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