Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma


Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 6727

  • Border chaos continues

    Supervisor Jim Desmond, 5th District|Updated Jul 25, 2024

    There is a lot going on in our country right now, but I wanted to note that the San Diego Border sector is still seeing large numbers of illegal immigrants. U.S. Border Patrol facilities in the San Diego region are at 150% capacity, with more than 1,500 migrants in custody as of Tuesday morning, July 16. I also wanted to inform you of a disturbing meeting that took place recently. Two whistleblowers discussed their experiences working at the Pomona Emergency Intake Site. They... Full story

  • Alternative meat isn't truly competitor of beef hot dogs

    Updated Jul 25, 2024

    The July 4 Nathan’s hot dog eating contest was conducted without Joey Chestnut, who was prohibited from competing because of an endorsement deal with a plant-based hot dog company. The administrators of the Nathan’s contest felt that Chestnut was supporting a rival brand. Plant-based hot dogs are an alternative to beef hot dogs. They are not truly a competitor of a beef hot dog company. I’m no vegetarian, but I’m also not going to turn my back on the produce farmers who are helping to preserve our rural way of life. I under... Full story

  • The newest 'conspiracy theory' is born

    Julie Reeder, Publisher|Updated Jul 25, 2024

    During the House Oversight Committee Hearing, a few Congressmen referred to reports that became public after the attempted assassination of former President Trump, analyzing the sounds of gunshots and suggesting that there was possibly more than one shooter. There were suggestions that Crooks was possibly a “patsy” and was meeting with someone who may be in government in the months or weeks leading up to the shooting. What does all this mean? Time will tell. Separate from the... Full story

  • Re: 'The assassination attempt on Donald Trump: A wake-up call for America's political rhetoric' [Village News, Letter, 7/18/24]

    Updated Jul 25, 2024

    Publisher Julie Reeder's commentary of July 18, "was an excellent summation of how Democrats, dishonest media, and strangely unprotective Secret Service leaders added up to near death for President Trump. Written in Reeder's get-to-the-point style, she moves quickly from the seemingly intentional lack of protection for Trump, to the media's downplaying of the obvious assignation attempt. Possibly because it interfered with some suggestions that the whole thing was staged, they initially ignored the tragic death of one rally... Full story

  • Common sense legislation for SVPs

    Assemblymember Marie Waldron, 75th District|Updated Jul 25, 2024

    Last week, a rally of over two hundred people opposing placement of a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) in a rural Poway neighborhood was held at Garden Road Park. Fortunately, Mayor Steve Vaus received a call from the Director of State Hospitals just prior to the start of the rally announcing that the placement had been withdrawn. The rally instantly turned into a victory celebration. It shouldn’t be necessary for communities to hold rallies, mount letter writing campaigns and... Full story

  • Contractor scamming local people

    Updated Jul 25, 2024

    San Diego is the most expensive city in the nation and it just got more expensive. This is a story that can make a person go homeless quickly, as if we don't have enough homelessness in California. There is a local contractor who steals possessions, does not do work to code, hires actors to pretend they are officials, abandons the job just before he is caught, and places massive liens on his homes after he departs, and no one is stopping him. In my case, I flip houses. I paid the contractor over $110,000 for a $150,000 job,... Full story

  • Compassion is a workable solution

    Updated Jul 18, 2024

    Jim Desmond's opinion piece "Time to enforce common sense solutions for homelessness" is nonsensical, as is the legislation that he is applauding. I am homeless. I am a mom of grown children and I have a Masters Degree. Homelessness is a problem that I've dealt with more than once in the last handful of years and one that I overcame and am in the process of again overcoming through the community that has loved and supported me; not through being punished for it. And that is exactly what the Supreme Court has decided to do.... Full story

  • CLERB thanks Sheriff for policy change in response to jail search recommendation

    Updated Jul 17, 2024

    SAN DIEGO – Over the past two years, the Citizens Law Enforcement Review Board, known as CLERB, has urged that all individuals entering San Diego Sheriff Department detention facilities be subject to body scans to prevent illegal drugs from entering to prevent overdoses and deaths. This policy recommendation was submitted twice to the department. Today, July 11, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department announced a significant change to departmental policy that demonstrates agreement with CLERB’s suggestion. “CLERB has str... Full story

  • Kicking it, Around the White House

    Elizabeth Youngman-Westphal, Special to The Village News|Updated Jul 17, 2024

    In light of the recent attempted assassination of President Trump, I’m reminded of a vow I made on Nov. 3, 2020. I promised myself I’d stop talking about politics. I vowed not to watch the news. I vowed not to comment on the outcome of the election or the political atmosphere across this once-great Country. As a citizen with only the power of a single vote, for the first time in my life, I felt powerless. I have ‘taken this crap’ for the past 3 years, 7 months and x-numbe... Full story

  • Re: Memories come alive at historic Mission Theater [Village News, 6/27/24]

    Updated Jul 17, 2024

    I would like to extend my profound thanks to Roy Moosa, owner of the Mission Theatre with assistance from Steve Britschgi, for allowing our family to hold The Celebration of Life for Paul on June 8. This setting was the perfect venue as Paul and our sons, Justin and Andre, spent many years and happy memories performing on this stage. Additionally, I would like to give my sincere thanks to Tim O'Leary, who submitted an article summarizing the event with words and pictures that captured the essence of the celebration. With... Full story

  • New laws

    Assemblymember Marie Waldron, 75th District|Updated Jul 17, 2024

    A number of new laws passed by the State Legislature and signed by the Governor have gone into effect this year. New laws that went into effect July 1: • Drug testing kits must now be made available in bars to prevent date-rapes and drink spiking • Second Amendment impacts include an 11% tax on all firearms and ammunition sold in California; credit card payment networks will be required to provide a unique identifying code for merchants that sell firearms and ammunition • L... Full story

  • The assassination attempt on Donald Trump: A wake-up call for America's political rhetoric

    Julie Reeder, Publisher|Updated Jul 17, 2024

    Saturday, July 13, 2024, will be etched in the annals of American history as a day of unprecedented significance; a day when an attempt was made on the life of Donald Trump, the former president and leading candidate for the 2024 presidential election. The incident, which occurred during a rally in Butler County, Pennsylvania, a crucial swing state, has left the nation reeling and searching for answers. At presstime, there is limited information available and certainly there... Full story

  • Stopping Human Trafficking

    Supervisor Jim Desmond, 5th District|Updated Jul 17, 2024

    San Diegans will soon see and hear a new San Diego County media campaign designed to raise public awareness about human trafficking. This educational campaign includes radio announcements, outdoor billboards and digital media to inform children, youth and their peers on how to protect themselves from exploitation. It was part of an effort I led last year to educate our students about the signs of human trafficking. By arming our students with information about the tactics... Full story

  • The Not So Grand party

    Updated Jul 17, 2024

    The current Republican party is neither Grand nor New – in its present iteration it is a festering cesspool of grievance, misogyny, cruelty and intolerance. It is a MAGA cult inhabited by cowardly, spineless congressional Republican bootlickers, approaching their Dear Leader on bended knee – ridiculous in their matching red MAGA ties in an astoundingly juvenile display of sycophancy – lining up to kiss the ring, begging for a blessing that will allow them to continue to exist in his service. Marjorie Taylor Green as an examp... Full story

  • Re: 'Defending the Second Amendment – An essential fight' [Ingram letter, Village News, 7/11/24]

    Updated Jul 17, 2024

    Regarding California’s recently imposed additional excise tax on guns and ammo, Ingram claims: “The excise tax in question places an undue financial burden on law-abiding gun owners and enthusiasts,” but provides no support for his claim. Taxes are what fund our state government, so it is entirely appropriate to tax gun and ammo sales because of the extra costs to the state for regulation and oversight. The Second Amendment says, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." No mention of ammo. T... Full story

  • Senate Minority Leader Jones's Sexually Violent Predator Accountability, Fairness, and Enforcement Act passes Assembly Public Safety Committee

    Updated Jul 11, 2024

    SACRAMENTO – Last night, the California Assembly Public Safety Committee unanimously approved Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones’s (R-San Diego) bipartisan Senate Bill 1074, called the “Sexually Violent Predator Accountability, Fairness, and Enforcement Act” (SAFE Act). “We are thankful that the Assembly Public Safety Committee understands the need to protect our communities from dangerous sexually violent predators,” said Leader Jones. “SVPs have committed such heinous and violent sex crimes that I argue they should n... Full story

  • Honoring special North County residents

    Supervisor Jim Desmond, 5th District|Updated Jul 10, 2024

    I wanted to take a moment to recognize some exceptional residents in North County whose dedication, resilience, and service have enriched our community. These individuals and groups have made North County an extraordinary place to live, and we are proud to present the 2024 State of North County award winners. Eric Weirather, the band director for Rancho Buena Vista High School, has been a guiding force in music education for 28 years. Eric’s unwavering commitment continues to... Full story

  • Re: 'Trump committed serious crimes and should not be president again' and 'Trump must be held accountable for his crimes against our country' [Village News, Letters, 6/27/24]

    Updated Jul 10, 2024

    Two letters in the June 27 issue of the Village News opinion section were remarkable for their similarities. Both rehashed the usual theme of Donald Trump being a convicted felon who will end "our democracy" and take away our freedom to vote – nothing new there. One letter is authored by "Todd Musto," the second letter's author is "Maria Goodrich." These two letters are so alike in length, verbiage, and left-wing cliches that if I didn't know better, one could be the rough draft of the other. Some examples of the coincidences... Full story

  • Defending the Second Amendment – An essential fight

    Updated Jul 10, 2024

    In a significant legal move, the National Rifle Association has chosen to challenge the state of California's newly imposed excise tax on guns and ammunition. This action, led by the NRA, is not just a matter of contesting a financial imposition but a vital stand for upholding our Second Amendment rights. The excise tax in question places an undue financial burden on law-abiding gun owners and enthusiasts, effectively penalizing responsible citizens who are exercising their constitutional freedoms. These financial strains... Full story

  • The misguided notion of reparations in California

    Julie Reeder, Publisher|Updated Jul 10, 2024

    California is a state that never legalized slavery. Gov. Newsom and his supermajority have approved $12 million in a budget with a $50 Billion deficit for reparations. I may be wrong, but this seems to me to be a decision that is not only historically misplaced but also financially irresponsible, considering the state’s dire economic situation. First, I think it’s important to acknowledge that California never practiced slavery. While there has been injustice in the past every... Full story

  • Beagle Freedom Project

    Assemblymember Marie Waldron, 75th District|Updated Jul 10, 2024

    Recently, at a ceremony in the Capitol, I was honored to recognize Shannon Keith, President and Founder of the Beagle Freedom Project, along with volunteer Melina Shirley, to recognize their tireless efforts to save the lives of countless dogs, cats and other animals in laboratories. This extraordinary organization is the world’s leading advocate for rescuing and rehoming animals used in experimental research. Because of their gentle dispositions and submissive natures, n... Full story

  • Kickin it: In my lifetime, I've witnessed…

    Elizabeth Youngman-Westphal, Special to The Village News|Updated Jul 4, 2024

    I keep thinking of Kipling’s poem “If” and have come to admire it more each year. Because in my lifetime I’ve witnessed some things that are amazing and others that are downright immoral. And every time I think I’ve seen it all, something proves me wrong. It seems corruption has become the new normal. I’ve lived through tragedies like the death of my son, watched the execution of JFK followed by his brother Robert, and then Martin Luther King, Jr. I’ve watched in horror whi... Full story

  • Welcome to the Grand New Party

    Updated Jul 4, 2024

    For years, the two political parties were practically indistinguishable from one another, except for eight glorious years when the expansion of government came to a grinding halt. But when Reagan's second term ended, the administrative state found its footing and slowly slithered back into our lives. Seven years later, despite Clinton's predictions and prognostications, the era of big government was far from over. In the ensuing years, the administrative state's tentacles would encroach on our lives in unimaginable ways that... Full story

  • Budget trailer bills

    Assemblymember Marie Waldron, 75th District|Updated Jul 4, 2024

    The main state budget bill passed prior to the June 15 constitutional deadline, and the Governor had until June 30 to sign it into law (and use his line item veto pen). But many trailer bills that fund specific state programs were still being voted on last week. Trailers that passed last week included a bill that will establish a permanent foster care provider rate structure based on the needs of the child. Rates will follow the child, not the placement location. Legislation... Full story

  • Deadline for 50th FUHS reunion is July 15

    Updated Jul 4, 2024

    In the past 50 years, have you gained some weight, lost some hair, added some wrinkles, lost some agility, and graduated from the FUHS Class of 74? We know exactly where you can go and be with people just like you. The FUHS 50th Reunion for the Class of ’74 is happening on Aug. 3, with some special pre- and post-events in the works. Let’s get together and reconnect with old friends, share our stories, have dinner together, listen to our music and dance the night away at the Pala Mesa Resort. The last day to register is Jul... Full story

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