Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Sheriff's Log

Nov. 6

1300 blk Willow Glen Rd. Fraud - Get credit/etc. Other’s I.D. - Stolen (bribe/defraud/embezzle/ransom/extort.etc.) - over $2,000

Meadowood St. Grand theft: money/labor/property

Nov. 7

1400 blk S. Mission Rd. Arrest - Subject stop - Possession of controlled substance

2500 blk Gopher Canyon Rd. Domestic violence - Spousal/cohabitant abuse with minor injury

1100 blk E. Fallbrook St. Petty theft

1500 blk S. Mission Rd. Arrest - Possession of controlled substance paraphernalia

500 blk Yucca Rd. Missing person - At risk of suicide actual or attempt

1100 blk Alturas Rd. Battery - Spouse/ex spouse/date/etc.

Nov. 8

900 blk Rice Canyon Rd. Petty theft - All other larceny - Construction equipment

1000 blk Winterhaven Rd. 5150 - Mental health evaluation - 72 hr observation

1000 blk Rice Canyon Rd. Burglary - Residential

5100 blk 5th St. Burglary - Vehicle

300 blk E. Alvarado Missing adult

Nov. 9

2400 blk E. Mission Rd. Arrest - Spousal/cohabitant abuse with minor injury

100 blk S. Mercedes Rd. Medical examiners case - Death

3100 blk Jicarilla Dr. Burglary - Vehicle

3400 blk Old Hwy 395 Arrest - Possess controlled substance and paraphernalia

Nov. 10

3400 blk Old Hwy 395 Arrest - Possess controlled substance paraphernalia

500 blk E. Alvarado St. Arrest - Illegal camping - Possess controlled substance paraphernalia

1000 blk S. Main Ave. Arrest - Robbery (Strong arm)

2400 blk Huffstatler St. Arrest - Battery - Simple

700 blk De Luz Rd. Family disturbance - Simple battery

Nov. 11

200 blk N. Pasadena Ave. Arrest - Spousal/cohabitant abuse with minor injury

800 blk El Caminito Rd. Missing juvenile/runaway

4000 blk Limber Pine Rd. Burglary and vandalism - Residential

Nov. 12

31300 blk Club Vista Ln. Arrest - Battery - Spouse/ex spouse/date/etc.

500 blk W. Beech St. Domestic violence - Simple battery

300 blk Citrine Trail Domestic violence - Spousal/cohabitant abuse with minor injury

39600 blk Calle De Luz Arrest - Spousal/cohabitant abuse with minor injury

1600 blk S. Mission Rd. Domestic violence - Spousal/cohabitant abuse with serious injury


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