Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

MWD declares Pala parcel surplus

Joe Naiman

Village News Reporter

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California declared 41 parcels, including a 14.48-acre parcel on the west side of Pala Temecula Road, as surplus land which is no longer required for MWD’s current and foreseeable needs.

The MWD board vote Oct. 11 also authorized MWD staff to take the necessary actions to divest the parcels. Another public agency will have the first option to obtain the land, and if no public agency desires a specific parcel at a mutually agreeable price the land may be sold to a private party.

The 41 parcels total 636.35 acres. The P...


Reader Comments(1)

rustyhorserange writes:

Can you please list the APN number for the 14.48-acre parcel on the west side of Pala Temecula Road that will be divested by the MWD?