Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

AA no longer to meet at Grange hall

It was a shock and a sad day for members of Alcoholics Anonymous when the group received a letter from the Rainbow Grange stating it would close its hall to both the 62-year-old Friday night meeting as well as the Sunday night meeting at the end of March.

The Grange, like Grange halls all across America, have, through allowing a meeting place, been a tremendous help to recovering alcoholics since AA’s formation in 1935; and this particular hall since 1948.

The announcement left directors and members of both meetings scrambling for a new location to meet one hour a week.

Countless people have been helped through a self-supporting fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other to overcome their common problem. Without a host like the Grange, this wouldn’t have been possible.

A few infractions were stated as the reason the decision was made to end the meetings there. Those infractions included lights left on, doors left unsecured, and cigarette butts in the parking lot.

Both meeting secretaries expressed surprise as these issues were addressed and double checked since their first mention, as well as group announcements to be ever-vigil in these matters and humbly apologetic.

The Rainbow AA members have donated free labor to remodel the Grange restrooms, and donated several hundred dollars over the years above and separate from rental fees; and wish to express their gratitude and thanks to this and all Grange halls for their help, respect and community spirit.

Steve Duvall


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