Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Candidates Fair deemed a success

FALLBROOK – On April 15, the Fallbrook Republican Women Federated presented a “Meet the Candidates Fair” at San Luis Rey Downs.

The event was well-attended with an overflow crowd. The candidates each explained their platforms and answered tough questions from the audience.

A large number of attendees visited individually with the candidates and had their questions fielded.

Candidates who participated in the event and the respective offices they are vying for included: John Eastman, Attorney General; Chuck De Vore, US Senate; Al Ramirez, US Senate; Mike Villines, Insurance Commissioner; Jeff Stone, State Senate; Greg Stephens, State Senate; Dan McAlllister, Treasurer; Jeff Olson, Assessor; Ernie Dronenburg, Assessor; Jay LaSuer, Sheriff; Jim Duffy, Sheriff; Craig Candelore, Superior Court 14 Judge; Larry Kincaid, Superior Court 34 Judge; Bill Horn, Supervisor; and John Van Doorn, Supervisor.


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