Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Five New Year's resolutions that can change a life

Keeping New Year’s resolutions throughout the year is easier with support from others. The American Cancer Society offers many free resources to help Californians attain their New Year’s goals and change their lives.

• Quit smoking – People who quit smoking, regardless of their age, live longer than people who continue to smoke. By quitting, a person decreases their chances of heart disease, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, uterine cervix, kidney, bladder and lung. Call the California Smokers’ Helpline at (800) NO-BUTTS for support, including motivational self-help materials, telephone counseling and referrals to local tobacco cessation resources.

• Eat healthy, get exercise, lose weight – For the majority of Americans who do not use tobacco, eating well – along with being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight – is the best defense against diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. The American Cancer Society, American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association have joined together in a campaign to help Americans make smart choices every day regarding their health. Visit for tips, tools and more information.

• Volunteer – Regardless of sex, ethnicity or other demographics, people who give time to help others have proven longer life expectancies. More than 160,000 California volunteers provide support to cancer patients, their caregivers and loved ones through American Cancer Society activities that range from fundraising events and advocacy to one-on-one support and providing transportation to treatment. Call (800) ACS-1234 to get involved.

• Schedule necessary screenings and doctor appointments – As adults age, their chances of being diagnosed with cancer and other medical conditions increase. Schedule necessary checkups and screenings to catch cancers at their earliest stage and, in the case of colon cancer, even prevent it. Visit to learn about cancer screening guidelines and sign up for a reminder to get an annual mammogram.

• Make a will – The quality of life for loved ones can be improved when a will is drafted to enable assets to be passed along easily and directed toward important causes. Free tools are available to help guide one through the process of determining goals and gathering the right documents and information to take to an attorney. Call (800) ACS-1234 and ask to speak to a planned giving officer.


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