Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Mr. Crews strikes again!

There are more than a handful of letters I would love to respond to from both the past and present Village News issues, but Mr. Crews, your letters have been bumped to the head of the chopping block.

How dare you have the audacity to criticize Bush and the military! These men voluntarily choose to put their lives on the line every day in order to protect our great nation, even though people like you spit in their face. It’s an unfortunate circumstance, but it’s inevitable that there will always be ugly situations that occur during war. Mr. Crews speaks of Dr. Col. Vito Imbascini, who performs numerous lifesaving surgeries on wounded soldiers and leaves them disabled. Mr. Crews uses this as a talking point to further suggest we shouldn’t go to war. What do you think our forefathers thought about the Revolutionary War?

It boggles my mind, Mr. Crews. What cause do you think is worth fighting for? Anything?

Mr. Crews posts the question “Would our nation be safer if these young men had been kept home defending our own border?” How silly can you get? Bottom line is if our troops were home and not fighting the war overseas, then we would be setting ourselves up for a second 9/11.

Any congressman who votes for funding for the Bush surge to finish our War on Terror is perhaps a very intelligent person. They need the funding, the time and the ability to fight without one hand tied behind their backs in order to properly be victorious. I’ll be honest; I hope this happens, but I doubt those which reside in a place called “Democratland” on Capitol Hill won’t be able to comprehend a situation like that.

I support Issa! It doesn’t take an economist to figure out that minimum wage increasing will only hurt the economy. How can you support Pelosi? She’s so self-inflated with her position of power that she can’t see straight.

Mr. Crews, if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought you were the male counterpart of Cindy Sheehan.

David Meyers


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