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The myth of man-caused global-warming

On December 6, 2006, Dr. Robert M. Carter, a marine geologist and environmental scientist at Australia’s James Cook University, presented information to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Carter pointed out that, in his opinion, the media have “propagated an alarmist cause for climate change, and they have certainly failed to convey to the public both the degree of uncertainty that is characteristic of climate science and many essential facts that are relevant to considerations of human causation.”

Carter, a voice not often heard in the global-warming debate, pointed to a number of inconvenient facts that call the standard view of global warming into question, including:

• Ice core records show temperature changes preceding CO2 changes by “hundreds of years or more.”

• Data from Greenland proves that the current warm period “corresponds to a cyclic warming peak within a ~1500-year periodicity of probable solar origin… and was cooler than the preceding Minoan and Mediaeval Warm Periods.”

• Current warming in Antarctica “is as much as 5°C cooler than were recent interglacial climate optimums.”

• Current warming lies within documented natural variations and is not exceptional as global-warming alarmists claim.

• Temperatures are no longer increasing. Data collected in the UK show “temperature at the Earth’s surface has flat-lined since 1998. Temperature in the troposphere is virtually unchanged since 1979 once El Niños and volcanic eruptions are taken into account.”

The preceding facts are inconvenient to the global-warming fanatics who claim “the sky is falling.” When the Earth does warm it is a direct cause of solar activity; human effect is insignificant – are these fanatics going to order the sun to cool down?

Does anybody remember in the 1970s when Newsweek and other media sources were claiming that we were experiencing a global-freezing? How can we go from global-freezing to global-warming in 30 years? There is no serious debate that global-warming is significantly affected by human activity. The sun is guilty. Wake up, America.

Mark Corcoran


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