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Their claims of misinformation are not specific

Glen Holzhausen complains that Joe Crews and I send letters to the Village News that contain misinformation but give no specific examples.

While I cite the words of President Bush himself as finally admitting Saddam had no WMDs, Glen cites pre-war “conventional wisdom” that Saddam did.

It is a documented fact that President Bush was briefed before the invasion by the head of the CIA, that Saddam no longer had WMDs. Bush ignored and buried the real evidence so he could carry out the neo-con’s plan to invade Iraq, which was in place years before Bush became president.

Bush did not share the real intelligence from the CIA with Congress or the American people. The fact that Iraq did not have WMDs was well known to anyone who cared to read and understand the reports from the UN inspectors, who were in Iraq conducting onsite inspection until we ordered them out so we could start bombing.

Why do Joe and I (and many others) bother to keep bringing this up? Because those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it: hence the recent near-war with Iran.

I agree that we should assess the current situation and consider all possible actions. The current situation is that our invasion of Iraq and our Middle East polices have made the world a much more dangerous place, aside from being a terrible waste of blood and treasure.

The best course of action at this point will be to give Iraq back to the Iraqis. It’s their country and most Iraqis want us out. Isn’t that democracy?

Our present goal is not to have a stable, democratic government in Iraq; it’s to have a stable pro-American government in Iraq, even if it’s a dictatorship. US policies are the destabilizing force in Iraq and the Middle East.

I don’t dismiss the importance of oil; I suggest we should do something about it other than invade countries who pose no risk to our security. We should do everything we can to reduce our dependence on oil – something we should have done decades ago.

Jon Monday


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