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Supreme Court does the right thing

This week the Supreme Court for the third time said Bush cannot hold prisoners at Guantanamo Bay indefinitely but must allow “habeas corpus” hearings in US courts.

John McCain said that the ruling is “one of the worst decisions in the history of this country.” Barack Obama said, “This is an important step toward reestablishing our credibility as a nation committed to the rule of law and rejecting a false choice between fighting terrorism and respecting habeas corpus.”

People who think habeas corpus doesn’t matter have no respect for our constitution or the historic legal foundation it is based on. Anyone who has been arrested and jailed has the right to go before a court and demand to see evidence why they are being held.

McCain said, “There are some bad people down there.” That’s right, there are some bad people; maybe even mostly bad people. But they, along with the innocent people down there, have a right to challenge their being held. This is our law that was being ignored by the neo-cons. After five or six years Bush has had plenty of opportunity to show evidence of their guilt.

Thank God that the Supreme Court has decided to enforce our constitution. But, here’s a warning: it was a five to four decision. Even one more neo-con appointment to the court and it would have gone the other way. How many more of our constitutional rights will be stripped from the American people if McCain is elected?

Jon Monday


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