Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Locals attend Boy Scout leadership course

BONSALL — The San Diego-Imperial Council of the Boy Scouts of America recently conducted its six-day course in advanced adult leadership skills, Wood Badge for the 21st Century.

Course participants included Terry Nani of Bonsall Cub Scout Pack 735 as well as course staff members Dirk Thayer of Bonsall and Bert Obregon of Temecula, who continued their commitment to local youth.

The Boy Scouts will be observing their 100th anniversary in 2010, with a full year of special events scheduled to help celebrate their commitment to youth and service to the community.

For more information on the local scouting program, call Vic Enchelmayer at Council Headquarters at (866) 437-2272.


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