Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Democratic Club elects Joe Crews president

FALLBROOK – E pluribus Unum, “from many one,” was the motto chosen by congress on July 4, 1776 as the symbol representing the 13 states of this newly formed, now free country, the United States. “This unity, however, must always respect the dignity and inalienable human rights of all the individuals in all our diversity,” states Joe Howard Crews, newly elected President to the Fallbrook Democratic Club. “This is why I am a Democrat.”

After retiring, Crews fell in love with Fallbrook because of its rolling hills, valleys, perfect climate and warm, friendly village. That was also when he became politically active by being the Editor of the Progressive Post and an officer in the Fallbrook Democratic Club where he was Membership Chair for one year, Publicity Chair for two and on the committees for the Avocado Festival as well as the annual Democratic Picnic. “I have found my family here,” he said.


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