Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Thank you for your support

On behalf of my family and myself, I extend a huge “Thank You” to all who helped with the celebration of “Baba” Jerry Weiss’ life on April 11.

Hilltop Center for Spiritual Living brought the essence of love and devotion for a life well-spent to our memorial. Reverend Guy Williams and other of Jerry’s friends spoke heartfelt messages that will last with us a lifetime.

Rocky Peak Farms made outrageous and healthy food (one of Jerry’s favorite endeavors). Plus, there was also tasty food brought in by many friends.

Uplifting music and chants were sung by Spirit Hill (Hilltop Center’s Sunday inspirational singers and musicians) and Jerry’s men’s group buddies. Robin Adler and Dave Blackburn added their beauty and style to grace the day.

Does this sound like a great party? It was, and Jerry would be so proud and honored. You beautiful friends made our life much brighter.

Thank you all.

Lynne, Fall, Sorrel and Julie Weiss


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