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Deputies conduct driver's license, safety checkpoint on Stagecoach Lane

In an effort to keep Fallbrook's streets safer, Fallbrook Sheriff's deputies, volunteers from the Senior Volunteer Patrol and the Sheriff's Crime Prevention Unit conducted a driver's license safety checkpoint on April 22.

According to substation commander Lt. Phil Brust, “the purpose of this checkpoint was to educate the public regarding child safety seat laws, check for unsafe vehicles, and confirm valid driver's licenses, registration and insurance for all vehicles coming through the checkpoint.”

The checkpoint was held in the 600 block of South Stagecoach Lane from 9 a.m. to noon.

“Approximately 1,100 vehicles passed through the checkpoint. Officers sent 111 vehicles to primary screening,” said Burst. “Of these, 50 were sent to secondary screening. Eight vehicles were towed and 43 citations were issued for over 57 different violations. Four child safety seats were found to be improperly installed.”

Other safety checkpoints are scheduled for Fallbrook in the near future, said Brust.


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