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Global elites are contributing to food shortages

Julie Reeder


I spend probably 30 to 40 hours a week reading different news sites including the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Epoch Times, Just the News and the Los Angeles Times.

For instance, I spent many hours this week researching the projected worldwide food shortages that I've addressed the last couple of weeks. First, we discussed getting ourselves, our families and then our communities ready in case food shortages do happen. Then we explored vertical gardens, for those who don't have acreage to plant gardens.

As I wrote weeks ago, the World Health Organization, President Joe Biden, farmers and others are saying a food shortage is going to happen.

So, I've continued to research why, hoping maybe they are all wrong and we can concentrate on other pressing issues. The issue is that if there's mass food shortages, things could get really ugly, unlike anything we've seen in a long time.

While it's largely unreported, as far as I have found, there are massive protests going on in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland and Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankans are starving and they have run their prime minister out of the country. Like most of these other countries it's over farming. The people are literally in the streets.

After their president previously made a decision to ban all chemical fertilizers in Sri Lanka for environmental reasons, their crop yields dropped 30% nationwide. Although the decision has now been rolled back, if it wasn't for friendly nations around them selling rice to them, it is being reported that they would have starved.

The Sri Lanka government is now having to give monetary compensation to the farmers as well to try and help them get through the bad consequences of their overreaching government regulations. They expect that the yields will be bad during next season as well until they can get the crops back in shape.

Netherland farmers are protesting in the thousands on their tractors after the government released their plan to reduce nitrogen emissions, an idea that was much the same as Sri Lanka.

A map with nitrogen reduction targets up to 90%. This is on top of the reductions they've made voluntarily over the last few years of up to 70%. According to Wytse Sonnerma, Netherlands Agricultural and Horticultural Organization's leader, there's a broad sense of "frustration, anger, even despair" among farmers amid proposals for nitrogen reduction target plans.

He said these leaders are out of touch with reality and the radical environmentalists that got them to do this are out of touch, just like in Sri Lanka. The Netherlands is the second largest agricultural exporter. The farmers have reported they believe it will also lead to a 50% reduction in livestock.

The Dutch have a reputation as being some of the most sustainable farmers on the planet. Sonnerma said nitrogen reduction targets will cut food supplies by as much as 70% and it's all unnecessary.

The EU and the environmentalists are forcing restrictions on them that they said are unreasonable and unsustainable. Sonners said during an interview that it will also affect worldwide food supplies, trucking, grocery stores, etc.

Farmers in Germany, Poland, Italy and Spain are facing the same issues. These "nitrogen reduction targets" that have been influenced by radical environmentalists and global elites have little concern for worldwide hunger that their overarching policies are creating and the farm families that will lose farms that have been in their families for generations. The Netherland farmers believe the government is trying to run them off their land, devalue it and then take it over.

The one and only story I found that The Associated Press did was very biased, even referring to the Netherland farmers as "polluters" in the headline and throughout the story. That is typical, and for anyone who is just a casual reader and doesn't really delve into both sides, they would likely be influenced by the adjectives and pejoratives that The Associated Press writer decided to use describing those farmers, who have already made up to 75% cuts to their nitrogen levels, etc. over the last few years.

Farmers said they are willing to make more cuts, but what they've already done in the time allotted is not reasonable, according to the farmers. A Greenpeace representative quoted in The Associated Press story said they should "tear off the Band-Aid" and if there's no food, then so be it. The Greenpeace person interviewed, I'm sure, has no concept of what it takes to be a fifth generation farmer and apparently doesn't worry about the world's food supply or what will happen when mass amounts of people are starving.

Their famers are being throttled. There is revolt going on around the world and there is very little reporting on it. Why is this? It may have something to do with the World Economic Forum's Great Reset everyone is talking about? It's not a conspiracy theory. They have a published document and they talk openly about what they want to do all the time. You know, the global elites who meet in Davos every year to figure out how they can pretend to be representing the "people" and then figure out new ways to control them?

Remember "Never let a crisis go to waste." They celebrated Xi Jinping a few years ago, stating what an effective leader he was! It just seems like they all long to be authoritarian dictators. Remember them saying that no one will own anything, and they will be happy? Who will own "everything" and remember who is buying up hundreds of thousands of farmlands?

I also found that people are starting to put masks on their cows to capture methane gas to lessen their impact on the environment. Unbelievable.

Frank Mitloehner, UC Davis professor and air quality specialist, who is researching ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cows, said that cows are getting a "bad rap."

According to his research, cows and other ruminants account for just 4% of all greenhouse gasses produced in the United States.

"Forgoing meat is not the environmental panacea many would have us believe," he said, openly challenging the view that beef is an unsustainable diet.

Masking cows is just another one of those ridiculous environmental extremist experiments.


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