Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Making California great again

California has been hollowed out, ravaged beyond recognition, by a rabid pack of Democrat Party demagogues who have orchestrated a seismic shift in our culture. Nothing is sacred to them – not our schools, workplaces, families, or churches. Life in California has sunk to an unfathomable low, reduced to a listless state of depravity awash in Wokeisms and anarchism.

The Party of JFK has scrapped its centrist views, turned its back on the middle class, and devolved into a party of impoverished ideas. There's no denying the cataclysmic changes in our state after decades of Democrat Party abuses. Their policies, like no cash bail and early release from jail, have led to a rising tide of criminality and a crisis of incivility that is enveloping the state.

California has become a dumping ground for masses of economic refugees who have crawled out of the cracks and crevices of third-world hellholes to lay their claim to our welfare resources. We did not invite this illicit invasion, nor did we vote for this untenable situation! Despite a rising chorus of citizens demanding this incursion ends, Democrats soldier on, marching towards their migrant makeover of our state.

Our students’ test scores rank among the lowest in the country. Our roads and highways are in disrepair, unfit for us to drive on – shoplifters and carjackers raid and pillage with impunity. And with every passing hour, the homeless population spreads into our streets and onto our sidewalks in every community, from Fresno to Frisco, like frosting on cake.

In a stunning reversal of fate on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, sending the abortion conundrum back to the states to settle. Before the ink had dried on the parchment paper, Newsom called for an emergency session in the State legislature. With supermajorities in both state houses, Assembly Bill 1666 passed, making California the first sanctuary state for abortions in the nation.

I believe most Californians would agree with Republicans that being a "Sanctuary State for Adoptions" would be a far better distinction than being a "Sanctuary State for Abortions!"

As if there's not enough going wrong in California, the "Prince of Fairytales" and his comrades in Sacramento have managed to bankrupt the state. Newsom admits we have a budget shortfall of 73 billion dollars, and the deficit may reach 75 billion by the end of the fiscal year. Have you had enough of Democrat lawmakers' fiscal malfeasance and their political chicanery yet?

Final thoughts: I recognize there are party loyalists who will never vote Republican, no matter how chaotic our lives become. They would rather poke their eyes out with a wooden spoon than ever vote for a Republican. As for the rest of us, it's time we say "Adios" to the Democrat Party and begin the arduous task of "Making California Great Again" by voting for … Republicans!

Dave Maynard


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