Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Re: 'State works to better adapt to extreme dry, wet conditions' [Village News, 4/4/24]

I've just read "State works to better adapt to extreme dry/wet conditions." Wet indeed. Lots of talk about "pulling the agencies together is lots of work" and other double talk about fees and property taxes. Water, like air, should be free.

That's why I hyperventilate at water board meetings. It's free. You and I and anyone can have all the water one needs for personal use and even for larger farms and groves, you're breathing it now!

The water is derived from the atmosphere by machines called "Atmospheric Water Generators." Plug them into the wall and out comes water, simple. No mention of that in the article.

Then there's Poseidon Resources making 99.9999% pure water from sea water without power. The tumbling filters are gravity fed. No mention of that either. If the generators were solar powered, they'd rely less on another quasi government corporation that's a subsidiary of the federal corporation (28 USC 3002. chapter 15 a.) And you thought it was a Constitutional Republic? Silly human.

Thomas N. Stephan


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