Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Please report suspicious activity in your neighborhood

The Fallbrook Citizens’ Crime Prevention Committee’s (FCCPC) tries to help people understand how important it is to report suspicious activity in their neighborhood, stay informed, and be proactive against crime.

Based on the Sheriff’s Dept.’s recent Operation Cruel Summer, our children will not be exposed or have the opportunity to ingest the 40 lbs of marijuana, 31 lbs of heroin, and 25 lbs of meth law enforcement confiscated from the drug trafficking ring.

After nine years of pleading with the community to get involved and report crime, it is paying off for everyone, especially our children! I feel the public has finally connected the dots of what each person needs to do, in order to make this a safe community, for all residents. Maybe now the residents will be more willing to report suspicious crime in their neighborhood.

Pat Braendel

Fallbrook Citizens’ Crime Prevention Committee


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