Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Articles written by dr. rick koole

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  • There's no time to waste

    Dr. Rick Koole, LifePointe Church|Updated Jan 2, 2020

    Well, here we go again…another new year. The start of each new year brings a sense of excitement as people ponder both the new challenges and new opportunities the next 12 months will bring. And, it also reminds them of how precious time is. It is especially pertinent as a person approaches the end of their days. As Queen Elizabeth I famously offered while lying on her deathbed, “All of my possessions for a moment of time.” Each person will begin 2020 with exactly the same...

  • A baby changes everything

    Dr. Rick Koole|Updated Dec 6, 2019

    LifePointe Church The news on everyone’s mind 210 years ago was Napoleon and the French army sweeping across Europe. It was 1809, and the fall of the mighty Austrian Empire was imminent. Nobody seemed to care about the babies being born that year. But they should have taken notice as William Gladstone in Liverpool, Alfred Lord Tennyson in Lincolnshire, Oliver Wendell Holmes in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Edgar Allen Poe in Boston, as well as Charles Darwin in England were b...

  • Celebrate July 4th

    Dr. Rick Koole, Life Pointe Church|Updated Oct 30, 2019

    We live in a very special nation; a place where people from around the world are longing to enter. As we celebrate the Fourth of July, I’m glad for the freedoms we have, especially for the freedom to worship as we feel led; a freedom not available to so many in the world. The founders of our great country understood the importance of this freedom. They understood the role God played in the very establishment, against all odds, of the new country. George Washington, the first p...

  • Does God hear your prayers?

    Dr. Rick Koole, LifePointe Church|Updated Oct 30, 2019

    Do you ever wonder whether or not God really hears your prayers? Are you wasting your time praying or does God actually hear every prayer you whisper? Let me share five brief comments I believe to be true regarding prayer. God hears every cry from his children. A lifeguard was asked whether or not amidst all of the noise on the beach, he could hear the desperate cry of a child in the surf. He answered, “No matter how great the noise and confusion, I have never had an o...

  • Honoring Our First Responders

    Dr. Rick Koole, LifePointe Church|Updated Oct 30, 2019

    What were you doing when you first heard about the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon? It’s hard to believe but that was 18 years ago, and yet I remember it as if it was yesterday. I was a school superintendent at the time and spent the rest of the day with our high school students following the news on televisions in the school library. We must never forget the courage of the “first responders.” While others fled from the burning infernos, the courageous men a...

  • Become a peacemaker

    Dr. Rick Koole, Life Pointe Church|Updated Jun 6, 2019

    Are you a peacemaker or do you stir up conflict? There is so much conflict in our world. On the job, in politics, or worst yet, in our daily lives with family and friends. How can you be part of the solution and not part of the problem? Following are nine helpful hints that should help you achieve the happiness God promises to the peacemakers when he said: “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the sons of God.” Peacemakers know the value of a gentle answer. I’v...

  • 'Mother's Day' honors a humble person

    Dr. Rick Koole, Life Pointe Church|Updated May 10, 2019

    This Sunday, many people will be privileged to spend time honoring mothers. For me and many others, the day will bring back a flood of memories about my mother and all that she did and was. Like many people, my mother was blessed with a number of fine attributes, and one of the most endearing was her genuinely humble spirit. Saint Francis of Assisi had so many accomplishments he could have bragged about, but despite his many successes, he was best known for his humble spirit....

  • Share 'The Scars of Rejection'

    Dr. Rick Koole, Special to Village News|Updated Mar 11, 2019

    My first summer job while in college was selling dictionaries door-to-door in New Orleans. Wow, did I learn a lot that summer, especially about rejection. I soon discovered that no matter how good a salesman I was, the majority of the times I knocked on a door, the response would be a quick, and sometimes angry, rejection. I also observed that the team members who had never felt the sting of failure or rejection were the first to quit and head home. Rejection is often rooted...

  • "What's Worrying You?"

    Dr. Rick Koole, Life Pointe Church|Updated Feb 8, 2019

    Vance Havner reminded us of the uselessness of worry when he famously wrote, “Worry, like a rocking chair, will give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere.” Are you struggling with worry? Worry can ambush us in so many different ways. You hear a strange noise in the engine of your car and immediately you fear the worse. Or you watch the stock market’s wild swings and worry that you won’t have enough for retirement. Or it could be that every time you begin to exper...

  • New Year's resolutions

    Dr. Rick Koole, Pastor of LifePointe Church|Updated Jan 7, 2019

    So, what do your new year’s resolutions look like? And, have you broken any of them yet? If you are like most Americans, your resolutions focus on losing weight, exercising more or saving more money. Not that there’s anything wrong with these goals; however, let me suggest a resolution to focus on improving your character in 2019. The nation was caught off guard recently with the kind words that were expressed after the death of President George H. W. Bush. The tributes pou...

  • Let's get salty

    Dr. Rick Koole, Pastor of LifePointe Church|Updated Dec 6, 2018

    It is said of Boswell, the famous biographer of Dr. Samuel Johnson, that he often referred to a special day in his childhood when his father took him fishing. The day was fixed in his adult mind, and he often reflected upon many of the things his father had taught him in the course of their fishing experience together. After having heard of that particular excursion so often, it occurred to someone much later to check the journal that Boswell’s father kept and determine what h...

  • Jealousy – 'the green-eyed monster'

    Dr. Rick Koole, Pastor of LifePointe Church|Updated Nov 1, 2018

    Jealousy has been called a lot of things. The Romans called it “the enemy of honor,” King Solomon referred to it as “rottenness of the bones,” and Shakespeare labelled it “the green sickness” or the “green eyed monster.” And it can infect the best of people. The counselors in Florence, Italy asked Leonardo da Vinci, then Italy’s most celebrated artist, to submit sketches for the decorations of the Grand Hall in Florence. One of the counselors had heard of a young and little-...

  • "Flee! All has been discovered!"

    Dr. Rick Koole, Pastor of LifePointe Church|Updated Oct 8, 2018

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, loved practical jokes. As a joke, he once sent a telegram to each of 12 friends. All were men of great virtue and respected in society. The telegram simply read, “Flee! All has been discovered.” To his shock, within 24 hours, the story goes, all 12 had left the country! There may be some exaggeration in the story, but the point is that many people have dark secrets that haunt their consciences. There is not...

  • When opportunity knocks

    Dr. Rick Koole, Pastor of LifePointe Church|Updated Sep 8, 2018

    In 1962, Victor and Mildred Goertzel published a revealing study of 413 “famous and exceptionally gifted people” called Cradles of Eminence. They spent years attempting to understand what produced such greatness, what common thread might run through the lives of all of these outstanding people. Surprisingly, the most outstanding fact was that virtually all of them, (392 of the 413) had to overcome very difficult obstacles in order to become who they were. Despite the ove...

  • The Quest for Wisdom

    Dr. Rick Koole, Pastor of LifePointe Church|Updated Aug 15, 2018

    Some kids can really surprise you. Take the great inventor Thomas Edison for example. As a mischievous schoolboy, he was considered by his teachers to be “stupid, restless, inquisitive, asking too many questions and a slow learner.” And there was Albert Einstein. The self-taught high school dropout was considered “lazy, slow and dreamy,” and he even flunked the entrance examinations in the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich. As parents, our goal should be to help our childre...

  • Are You Worth Imitating?

    Dr. Rick Koole, Special to the Village News|Updated Aug 8, 2018

    One day the Rev. Chuck Swindoll received a challenging letter from a young man who had just started to attend his church. The letter asked a probing question. “I’ve heard you say that one becomes like those with whom he spends his time,” the young man said. “I’m surrounded by mediocre people. The more I mature, the fewer people I find worth imitating. I’m not so mature, though, that God is the only model… You are a model for me. But I want to know… Are you like my other ...

  • 'Answering your critics'

    Dr. Rick Koole, Special to the Village News|Updated Jul 9, 2018

    As World War I became more brutal, some young men in Britain found ways to avoid going to war. They were so despised that in August 1914 Admiral Charles Fitzgerald founded “The Order of the White Feather.” The organization encouraged women to give out white feathers to young men who refused to join the British army. Things quickly got out of hand as crowds of young women taunted seemingly eligible men who were dressed in civilian clothes. Then the unthinkable happened. Col...

  • 'I can't take it anymore'

    Dr. Rick Koole, Special to the Village News|Updated Jun 11, 2018

    Have you ever cried out in despair, "I can't take it anymore?" Here are a few thoughts that might help you get through the crisis you may be experiencing. I believe that God truly knows what each of us is going through, and he knows exactly how much we can take and will not allow us to be tested beyond what we can handle. It's as if each of us has a "Plimsoll mark" in our life. But, what is a "Plimsoll mark?" The British reformer Samuel Plimsoll led the fight for the passing...

  • "When Life Doesn't Make Sense," trust God

    Dr. Rick Koole|Updated Jun 11, 2018

    Dr. Rick Koole of LifePointe Church Special to Village News It was about five years ago that my wife, Carolyn, and I struggled to decide whether or not to accept the invitation to pastor LifePointe Church in the heart of Fallbrook. It was a difficult decision. We were very comfortable back in our hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan. In many ways, it did not make much sense. My wife, Carolyn, headed the local pregnancy resource center, and I pastored a remarkable and loving...

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