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Identifying and understanding eating disorders

Eating disorders are complex, serious health problems that affect seven million women and girls in the United States.

They can occur in women – and men – of all ages and backgrounds, but most often develop in young women between ages 11 and 20.

Anorexia, bulimia and binge eating are the three main types of eating disorders. People with these conditions are obsessed with food and body weight. They often have a distorted view of their body shape, have low self-esteem, are depressed and feel ashamed or guilty about their eating problems.


Women with anorexia have an intense fear of being fat. They think of themselves as fat when they are not and want to be thin so badly that they will exercise to extremes or starve themselves – sometimes to death.

Anorexics may be withdrawn and irritable, deny that they are underweight and refuse to eat even small portions or insist on eating alone.

Because the body is being starved, anorexia can lead to severe and long-term health problems, such as an irregular heartbeat, bone loss and osteoporosis, low body temperature, low blood pressure, kidney problems, a slow metabolism, slow reflexes, absence of menstrual periods and a delay in reaching puberty.


People with bulimia eat unusually large amounts of food in a short amount of time, then purge – by vomiting or taking laxatives, diuretics or pills that cause vomiting – to get rid of the excess calories.

Bulimics can be hard to spot because, unlike anorexics, their weight is usually normal or just above normal. They know that their eating is out of control and fear that they won’t be able to stop eating.

Purging can be life-threatening. Bulimia can cause dehydration; bowel, liver and kidney damage; damage to the throat, esophagus and stomach (from self-induced vomiting); problems with teeth and gums; and heart complications.

Binge eating

As many as two out of every 100 Americans, and up to 40 percent of obese people, have binge eating disorder.

Binge eaters consume large amounts of food but do not purge after overeating. As a result, they are usually overweight or obese.

Binge eaters may experience medical problems often connected to binge-related weight gain, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gall bladder disease, diabetes and certain types of cancers.

Eating disorders can be treated with medication, counseling and, in extreme cases, hospitalization.

For those struggling with an eating disorder, admitting that there is a problem is the first step toward recovery.

If you or someone you know has some of the symptoms listed here, seek help. Your doctor can diagnose an eating disorder and arrange treatment.

Source: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. For more information, go to


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