Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

A newly discovered Fallbrook treasure

On a recent Sunday afternoon, my wife Helen and I had the pleasure of attending the inaugural Fall Concert performed by the Fallbrook Chamber Orchestra. It is planned to be an annual event. We listened to classical selections by Mozart, Handel, Strauss and Telemann; violin solos, concertos and sonatas; Finnish folk music to mariachi pieces. The execution of the music was carried out with the grace and power of an established professional orchestra.

What makes this Chamber Orchestra so unique is that it is comprised of members ranging in age from six to “older than they want to admit to.”

Just a few short years ago, Elizabeth Monacelli, in the process of recovering from a severe heart attack, began to rejuvenate herself by starting this assemblage of performers. Along the way, she has drawn together people of all ages, from all walks of life, with different degrees of expertise. It is truly inspiring to see (and listen) to what she has accomplished.

A new Fallbrook treasure has been established. We recommend that you discover this jewel for yourself by attending their annual Christmas concert on December 10 at the Fallbrook Presbyterian Church, 463 S. Stage Coach Lane.

Chuck Tillotson


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