Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

How far is too far?

How far is too far? Where do you draw the line?

We have young people who have been raised in the most prosperous time in history in one of the most free societies on earth, if not the freest.

And I believe our tolerance has opened the door to our possible downfall.

Young people who are being used for political gain decry capitalism and corporate America, but they can’t live without their cellphone, internet, cars, scooters, clothing and food they buy in a drive-thru or just pick off a shelf in a store, etc. These are Aal products of our culture, capitalism and wealth. They are things we make for each other. More immigrants come to our country than any other country each year for a chance to live here and participate. Life has been easier for us than our ancestors. We haven’t had to grow our own food, make our own clothes or even work apparently, because thousands of young people can spend weeks on end rioting and looting, burning down city blocks, destroying public art and property and taking other people’s stuff like common criminals. Worst, they are terrorists, causing fear and beating and killing people. Maybe they are on welfare or our tax dollars are paying for their unemployment. Whatever it is, it is wrong, but I don't believe it will stop soon.

I couldn’t believe it when Contra Costa County declared that before any looter is arrested, the police have to consider whether the looter “needed” the items or not. Really? What happens when the little terrorists come for your home because they need it?

Where will you draw the line? How far is too far?

There is more to come. Did you wonder how these terror groups organized across the country so fast? They were just waiting for an excuse to march, riot and loot. It’s not just Black Lives Matter. It’s the Sunrise Movement, a youth eco fascist organization that believes “rioting and burning buildings can be a useful tool,” Antifa and Adbusters, an outspoken advocate of anti-capitalist causes.

Adbusters is the group who organized Occupy Wall Street across the country and is planning massive protests again across the country starting Sept. 17. Again, they are calling all the other activist groups to participate. The following is from their website, and it also leads to

It starts Sept. 17, the ninth anniversary of the Occupy Wallstreet Movement.

“Jammers, citizens, activists: #WhiteHouseSiege will electrify the U.S. election season,” Adbusters said.

OK, first of all, why is an organization from British Columbia sticking their nose in our election? Its none of their business. How is that legal?

And it doesn’t stop there.

“Tactical Briefing No. 1 – ‍We will not let Donald Trump steal the election! All right, you redeemers, rebels and radicals out there, Trump is trying to steal the election… It’s got many of us pretty rattled… and things could turn very ugly very quickly as Nov. 3 approaches,” Adbusters said.

This narrative playing regularly on TV news.

“Lawyers are already in court, mounting preemptive strikes and preparing for the scorched-earth scenarios likely to come. Meanwhile white supremacists are waiting in the wings, spoiling for a violent showdown,” Adbusters said.

Really? Bands of white supremacists? Where are these thousands of white supremacists? They don’t exist; this is gaslighting.

“You can laugh, but the possibility of a civil war breaking out sometime next year is no joke,” Adbusters said.

Especially if you jerks don’t stop burning down our cities.

“‍With a lot of luck, it may not come to that. Biden, polling well ahead right now, could win by a landslide. Trump may then fade quietly into history. But if the election is close and Trump refuses to leave, then who is going to make him go? Barr’s Justice Department? The Supreme Court? The D.C. police? The Marines?” Adbusters said.

This idea is a problem. They act like Trump is the authoritarian while they are. They want to deny the rule of law and use anarchy to overrule a democratic election and duly elected leader. It’s doublespeak.

“If the mechanisms of American democracy fail then it will fall on us, the people, to set things right… and to do that, we need more than viral memes, frenetic Tweeting and fervent calls to action – We need a f……. strategy!” Adbusters said.

How about this strategy? You mind your own business in British Columbia. Elections set things right, not anarchists.

“So… all you #METOOers, #BLM activists, Extinction Rebels, Sunrisers and CodePinks out there: it's time for us to start talking to each other and coordinating our actions,” Adbusters said.

Lord, help us. Better become preppers and stock up on food and supplies.

“Together we can organize pop-up sieges at federal buildings in dozens of cities… maybe even launch a national art project to decorate the streets with stunning visual memes. And we could make sure that activists turn up in Washington D.C. in ever increasing numbers as the election approaches. Call in the Marines and the National Guard and maybe spray skunk juice all over the streets before the anarchists arrive.

“Lafayette Square may be cordoned off and military police will doubtless be there in full force. But what can they do if hundreds of thousands of us turn up all over the nation's capital, day after day and start playing totally nonviolent improvisational jazz… much like we did in Zuccotti Park nine years ago?” Adbusters said.

Really? This language probably protects them from terrorism charges if they weren’t planning on mayhem. But how do you explain the revolutionary talk and violent poster art? I still like the skunk juice idea.

“#WhiteHouseSiege has an ominous ring to it. But it could turn out to be the most beautiful, festive, and effective uprising that America has seen since the Revolution,” Adbusters said.

Seriously? Like Seattle’s “Summer of Love” that ended with rapes and young people being murdered?

Mothers and fathers, it’s up to you. Teach your young adults to practice their American right to free speech and voting, but to go home and be a productive part of society. Be respectful of other people and other peoples’ property. Treat people the way they want to be treated and respect the police rather than resisting arrest, trying to steal the cop’s gun or grab another weapon.

What’s their end goal? Here it is from their other site,

“It starts with tens of thousands of people, then millions, then hundreds of millions and eventually we’re going to be 1 billion people strong. We build the first internet-based global grassroots power bloc in history – a superpower without borders.

“Imagine then, our ability to put millions of activists into the street on a moment’s notice. To bring wayward corporations to heel with massive international boycotts, subvertisements, sabotage, pranks, hacks and culture jams. To occupy stock exchanges, take over the economics departments of universities. To swing elections. Imagine having the power to launch global big-bang moments when a billion people rise up and shake the current world order to its core.”

So again I ask, with billions of dollars of damage to property and businesses across the country, hundreds of police hurt or killed, the economy of those towns devastated, how far is too far?

Have you drawn a line yet? We are in a war and can be silent no longer.

Julie Reeder can be reached by email at [email protected].


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