Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

2023 District Office Update

Assemblymember Marie Waldron

75th District

Navigating the state’s bureaucracy, even figuring out which agency to contact, can be a big headache. Pointing constituents in the right direction and assisting with state-related issues is an important function of my district office. During 2023, we helped over 400 district residents resolve issues involving state agencies.

People are still having problems reaching the Employment Development Department, and last year my district office staff was contacted by over 100 constituents having problems accessing EDD benefits. That’s a big drop from the peak of the pandemic when we handled over three thousand cases. There were also dozens of other “resolved” EDD cases that we had to re-open again and again due to ongoing glitches or other issues. We’re always glad to help, and frequently we’re able to resolve vexing issues in just a couple of days.

In addition to helping constituents get their EDD benefits, last year we handled hundreds of cases involving the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Franchise Tax Board, licensing delays for nurses, long delays for background checks and many more.

Government is very complex, and we frequently get inquiries about non-state issues. Over the past year we’ve received inquiries about border security, comments about Ukraine and Gaza, county land use policies, city zoning and many other topics. These types of issues are outside state jurisdiction, but If you’re not sure who to contact, feel free to give us a call and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Another important district office responsibility involves updating me regarding the opinions of constituents. Emailing or calling the district office to register an opinion on an important issue or piece of legislation will help guide me as I review bills in Sacramento. To share your opinion, please visit my website at or call my district office at 858-566-7538.

My staff and I take our responsibility to assist residents of the 75th Assembly District seriously. We look forward to continuing to serve you in 2024.


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