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Portion control ideas

After watching “Supersize Me,” and understanding the importance of serving size, do you know if the last coffee or soda you ordered was a single average serving or a super-sized four portions disguised as one large serving? With “supersizing” becoming our societal norm, accurately estimating what the serving sizes recommended on the new 2005 food pyramid are can be challenging!

Whether you are trying to manage your weight with diet or exercise, much of healthy eating management hinges on a having a good “Portion IQ.” To get in control of portion sizes, here are some recommendations from Anne K. Blocker, RD/LD, CDE: Practice mindful eating by creating a relaxing atmosphere, limiting distractions and paying attention to your hunger and fullness cues. Don’t “multitask,” as in eating while working, driving, talking on the phone or watching television. Mindfulness reduces the tendency to eat “on autopilot” or in response to stress or emotions.

Evaluate your own concept of a portion. Portion out your normal serving of cereal, pasta or orange juice. Guess the actual size of your portion and then check your accuracy by using measuring cups, spoons or a kitchen scale. Measure to see how much your usual serving spoons, ladles, soup bowls and glassware hold. Use this technique to check your serving habits once a month.

Mark your drinking glasses at the four- and eight-ounce level. Buy permanent paints and decorate your glassware so different patterns represent different quantities in ounces. Kids love this project and learn about portion sizes during the process. You can also paint on dinnerware, making shapes or pictures that represent half- and one-cup amounts.

Buy or store foods in single-serving containers, another good “portion” learning lesson for children as well as saving a busy mom time! When you buy foods in larger packages, make up individual portion packs at home (sandwich-sized plastic bags are handy for this). Use smaller-sized dinnerware. Start with single servings at meals. If you’re still hungry after one serving, wait 10 minutes before dishing up seconds. This allows time for your stomach to get the message that you’re full.

You can request smaller portions when dining out. Many restaurants offer healthier meal options or allow you to order from the children’s or senior menu, especially if you tell them it will help you better manage your weight. You can ask for a “doggie bag” and save time by enjoying it for lunch the next day. Don’t fall into the “clean your plate” trap!

With a little practice, being a portion-savvy eater will become second nature. Often, simply by paying attention to portion sizes, you can bring your weight and that of your family down while still enjoying the foods you like!

The information presented here is not medical advice. You need to talk with your physician before making lifestyle changes. Please e-mail me with your suggestions, questions and comments on healthy living at [email protected].


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