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Sour acid candy has frightening effect

Children of all ages like scary stories. Little do they know that many of them take part in a scary story every time they eat their favorite candy.

The popular sour candies that people of all ages love and that fill store shelves this time of year combine sweet and sour ingredients that together have an unsightly effect on children’s as well as adults’ teeth.

“I call this ‘acid blast in a sugar bath,’” dental hygienist Erika Feltham said recently. “The candy I am referring to has a very sour acid coating and the center of the candy is loaded with sugar. This kind of candy comes in a variety of forms, including those that are hard and soft, sticky and gummy, spray foams, gels, pastes and powders.”

“The effects I have observed in my work are dramatic,” she continued. “The kids are getting a double whammy. It is well known professionally that demineralization of enamel occurs at the pH level of 5.5 and below. Not only is the enamel destroyed, but it is then instantly exposed to sugar. That’s a double whammy!”

Feltham, who has been a dental hygienist for more than 20 years, has a keen interest in tracking the effects this candy has on teeth and is spreading the word to create an awareness of the irreversible damage this candy can cause.

“We are facing a new problem with a particularly destructive type of candy which is widely available under many brand names,” she explained. “Check out what many candy-eaters like to wash this ‘sour candy’ down with – you guessed it: sodas, sports drinks and energy/power drinks. Those contain more phosphoric acid with more acid and sugar. Now it is a triple whammy!”

“I have noted a dramatic increase in the number of cavities and loss of luster [shine] of the teeth, erosion and tooth sensitivity for children and both young and mature adults who consume this ‘sour acid sugar candy’ regularly,” she added. “It does not take a lot of this kind of candy to be destructive.”

Adults are also being affected by the use of sour acid ingredients in not only candy but especially in popular breath mints. These sour acid mints are causing a remarkable increase in sensitivity and decay in her adult patients’ teeth and should be avoided, according to Feltham.

To reduce this destructive effect, Feltham recommends children, and adults, gently brush their teeth or rinse out their mouths with water right after eating this candy. However, she remains adamant that parents should carefully monitor the candy their children consume, especially around Halloween.

“It is my opinion and belief that this newer and more concentrated type of ‘sour acid sugar candy’ makes chocolate and other old-fashioned candy look ‘safe’ in comparison,” Feltham stated. “I warn my patients to carefully check candy labels for these types of acids. I have yet to find candy companies list on labels the pH level of their candies.”

Feltham added that “many candies made with sour acids are being imported from overseas, possibly under the FDA radar of inspection,” adding to the proliferation of US-made sour candy already in all the stores.

Common names of various acids found in ‘sour acid sugar candy’ include: citric, malic, tartaric, fumaric and lactic acid. So, parents should check their children’s ‘trick or treat’ bags for this destructive candy and toss it out!

Erika Feltham is affiliated with the dental office of Dr. Ed Stewart in Fallbrook.


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