Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

A note of thanks

All the volunteers here at Fallbrook People to People would like to thank our loyal contributors for your generous support of our year-end fund drive. Once again, you have made it possible for us to continue to provide free employment services to our community.

Your kind donations will give us the resources to continue to provide individuals and businesses alike the ability to contact us as a source for their need of workers who have experience as a caregiver/companion aide/driver, housekeeper, gardener, yard cleanup, various types of construction workers, office/computer workers, receptionist/hostess and many other types of experienced workers.

We always check four references per applicant and they must present us with a valid driver’s license, Social Security card and any other relative certificates they are required to have to do a good job. And, it is also important that all of our applicants speak English.

Thank you again for your generous donations. We appreciate your interest in our organization and we pledge to continue to provide our free services to the community.

Carol Schling



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