Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

We need to demand accountability

The Biden administration has brought shame on the United States of America. An impeachment of Joe Biden alone would not be enough, it should be the whole crew, Biden, Harris, Blinken, Milley and Austin. I might add Pelosi, Schumer, the squad and I'm sure many others in the swamp, including the RINOS (Republicans in name only), Romney (whom I am distressed to say I voted for), Murkowski, Cheney and Collins. So many need to be held accountable. I pray they will.

The Afghan debacle, leaving Americans and Afghan allies and service dogs behind, is unconscionable. We who are Christians know that they will be accountable to God, but "we the people" demand accountability here and now. We are the ones who hire our leaders and we have the power to fire them if we will stand up and be counted with our legitimate power. Our vote!

Do your research. If you are not angry, you are not paying attention. Stay current with what is happening. Don't keep your head in the sand; you won't hear anything there. I implore everyone to be alert. There is much to learn and to do. There are many patriots who will not be silenced, but we need to be louder and meaner (sadly like the Democrats).

Exert your God given power; write articles, speak up, be a force for good. We are fighting evil. Leave your apathy in the closet. We must not forget that the United States of America is a Republic which promises life, liberty and justice for all. The government elite, many of whom have never had a real job, are creating their own rules which are not for the masses. I object, don't you? We are individuals, not sheep. Don't allow yourself to be.

Save California - Vote Yes on the recall of Gavin Newson. He has done so much damage to our beautiful state.

Orolie Gubser


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