Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Lighthouse Academy raises funds with Walk for Water

FALLBROOK – A homeschool group in Fallbrook (Lighthouse Academy, formerly SITL Scholars Intended to Lead) has adopted “Grit” as their character trait this year, and they read the book “A Long Walk to Water” about the Lost boys of Sudan.

For their Youth Conference, the group of families then walked along 76 to Oceanside Harbor beach, Aug. 18, to raise money for Salva Dut’s nonprofit Water for South Sudan.

They had 100 people participate on the walk. Many carried water. Some used backpacks, some bound it to their torsos with wraps or cloth. Someone had a 40# jug and filled it up. Many people (adults and kids alike) took turns carrying that container. As a group, they raised $2,070.

The students had this to say about the project:

While I was reading the book, I never truly could imagine how far the walk was because I had not experienced it myself. When I did have the opportunity to do the "Long Walk to Water" it was a laborious activity. And to think they carried multiple pounds of water on the way back! I'm blessed to live where water is easily accessible every day of my life. – Elena Alexander, 15, Fallbrook

I was doubtful that I could walk five miles while carrying several water bottles, but once I finished the long walk to water, I felt great, and realized that I can do hard things. It helped so much to have my friends walking with me, and this must be encouraging for the children in Africa, too, who walk together for water. – Aria Springston, 12, Bonsall

I had a great experience participating in the Walk for Water and it helped me understand what children in Africa do every morning just to get water for their family. I am grateful to have the ability to help the Sudan tribes and bring awareness to their needs. – Adam Hukill, 15, Fallbrook

“Walking the long walk to water was really challenging and empowering for me. I learned that life without easily-accessible water is extremely restrictive for many young Africans as they dedicate each day solely to retrieval of water for their families. The walk was empowering because I learned that more often than not, my brain gives out before my body, and I was able to push through that. I still cannot imagine being a little kid doing that day in and day out.” – Anders Agle, 17, Fallbrook

The walk and reading the book made me grateful for what I have. It also made me realize that we can’t even comprehend the challenges that people across the world are going through. – Solomon Rowley, 12, Bonsall.

For more information about the homeschool program, visit For more information about Water for South Sudan, visit

Submitted by Lighthouse Academy.


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