Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Hooper has no tolerance for disabled

I am flabbergasted at Danielle Hooper’s persistence in trying to get my father, Paul Schaden, to resign from the school board. Despite numerous Letters to the Editor in support of Schaden from members of this community and the blatant lack of support behind her and her ‘cause,’ Hooper continues to try and slander the Schaden name. I did a Google search on Ms. Hooper and the results were all complaints by her about something or someone in the community, with the exception of the reports of her loss in the school board election to Schaden two years ago. I also did a search for Paul Schaden and I found nothing but articles of his involvement in this community (the dump, the Boys & Girls Club, the Community Planning Group, the school board) and, of course, Ms. Hooper’s attacks on him. I am even more horrified to learn that Hooper took her children, who are home schooled, to last week’s school board meeting. Her actions taught them not to have tolerance for people with disabilities. I thank God she didn’t get elected because I fear for what would have happened to the schools’ special education classes. Why should we educate children with disabilities and handicaps when apparently, in Hooper’s own words, they are nothing but ‘seat fillers’ anyway and cannot possibly have anything significant to contribute to society? Then, she has the nerve to say she wouldn’t wish my father’s condition on anyone, when by her own statements it is clear she hasn’t even educated herself on what his ‘condition’ is. Who does she think she is? I know of no one who feels sorry for him; instead, they look up to him, and who wouldn’t? Now she has stooped down to an even lower level by stating that Schaden yells out “second it” at meetings, when in fact the time that it happened was because he wasn’t wearing his hearing aid! Does she have any more half-truths that she would like to use? I hope this town sees what a troublemaker she is. She is not here to help; she is here to hinder. She has been heard and her request has been denied. I suggest she use her spare time volunteering with the disabled. Maybe it will help with her lack of tolerance.

Stephanie Mullen



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