Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Air rules not needed

My son and I, both commercial airline pilots, read the opinion offered by one writer regarding the alleged noise problems here in Fallbrook caused by aircraft. We read this in disbelief and then with laughter as we surmised that the observations offered by the writer had to be either a joke or unfounded hysteria. Our family lives in very close proximity to both Camp Pendleton and the Fallbrook Air Park and we’ve resided at this location for over 20 years. A quick address check showed the writer’s address to be in the vicinity of 76 and the 15, hardly near Pendleton or the Airpark.

While the infrequent bombing that takes place at the Marine base can be heard at our home, it’s never been at a level or frequency that one could consider noisy; likewise, the military helicopter and other traffic that operates from that base. Some would consider the Marine noise as infringing on their peaceful surroundings while the majority of us would deem it “sounds of freedom!” With regards to any noise from Palomar, that airport is approximately 20 miles from Fallbrook and their flight departure paths are westerly, over the ocean. On the rare occasion when their traffic takes off to the east, any flights that are headed north are high enough by the time they approach our area that noise wouldn’t be a factor. Contrary to what the writer would also have you believe, there are no commercial jet flights operating out of Palomar bound for Las Vegas. The only commercial flights that depart from Palomar are two America West flights to Phoenix and four United flights to Los Angeles, all of which are commuter-type turbo-props, not jets. I’ve also observed many commercial flights flying west to east over our area and their altitude, as evidenced by frequent contrails and personal knowledge, is always above 20,000 feet — hardly low enough to be heard unless one’s hearing is on a par with that of Superman’s! As for 50 aircraft passing over her house within an hour... almost one per minute would be a stretch for anyone to believe. I think the writer would find that counting sheep instead of aircraft would add to the serenity of her life. Interestingly enough, my friends who live within the same area as the writer don’t seem to hear these phantom aircraft or witness this air show, certainly not to the extent that the writer does.

While the writer claims not to be an activist, her e-mail address(‘noisealert’) would suggest otherwise. I certainly have sympathy for her but not for the reasons she states. I’m sorry for people who would encourage others to get on their bandwagon without first insuring that the facts they present have an iota of credibility. I also have sympathy for those who have an exceedingly acute ear problem; perhaps turning down the hearing aid volume would help! The only suggestion I would make is that the writer continue to stay indoors or else move while the rest of us continue to enjoy having our coffee outside, even with the occasional sounds from above.

Don Gordon


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