Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Vote for recall, vote Hatfield

On March 8, the voters of Rainbow Municipal Water District’s Division 4 will have two very important choices to make: 1) to recall Tom Cole, and 2) to elect his replacement.

Although his name is still on the ballot, Tom Cole has resigned; however, the issue of recall must still be voted on. I urge you to vote FOR the recall. If you do not, the choice of a replacement will revert to the board, which would no doubt be deadlocked 2-2. In order for the people to have their choice, the recall must pass.

Two candidates are running for Cole’s position. One has attended only two Rainbow meetings and doesn’t see that as a problem. Her campaign literature says, “Understanding the issues at Rainbow does not take years of attendance at board meetings.” Apparently, she prefers getting her understanding of the issues from those who have mismanaged them. Those who pushed Prop O, which would have put us into deep debt for decades; those who forgot to pay our water bill a year ago and cost us a $13,000 penalty; those who cost our insurer over $622,000 in settlement of a wrongful termination lawsuit. Wise choice of counselors? I think not. There is no substitute for learning firsthand.

The other candidate, Russ Hatfield, the peoples’ choice, is a longtime Fallbrook resident. He has given of his time and his energy to address a variety of needs in this community; his roots are deep. He has learned about Rainbow’s issues by attending board meetings and participating in discussions (when not thwarted by an imperious board president). He has walked the division and talked with ratepayers and knows their concerns. He understands that the district exists to serve the water and sewer needs of its ratepayers, not to grease the way for development to enrich those whose only interest is in how many houses they can cram on an acre of land and how much money they can take away. Russ knows that water policies can have a great impact on the quality of life of the current residents.

He will be here working for us all to restore trust and credibility to the board. He is available and dedicated; he knows the issues. Vote for commitment and accountability. Vote for Russ Hatfield.


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