Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Peter's hope

During this post-Easter season, I can’t help but wonder how Peter felt after he betrayed Jesus. What was it like for Peter to lock eyes with Jesus across that courtyard as he blew off their relationship to complete strangers? According to scripture accounts, Peter walked away and wept bitterly. Peter had witnessed people being healed by Jesus’ touch, had seen him bringing the dead back to life. Peter even proclaimed Jesus as God in front of all their friends. But what did Peter say under the heat of the moment when Jesus was arrested? Nope, I don’t know him.

It makes me ponder. How many times do we walk away and deny God? Many times our faith wanes when we are under stress from the loss of a loved one, health issues, rebellious children and tough times. Sometimes, do we forget what we have proclaimed?

In his book The Return of the Prodigal Son Henri Nouwen explains the conflict of Peter in the following analogy: “Judas betrayed Jesus. Peter denied him. Both were lost children. Judas, no longer able to hold on to the truth that he remained God’s child, hanged himself. He sold the sword of his sonship. Peter, in the midst of his despair, claimed it and returned with many tears. Judas chose death. Peter chose life. I realize this choice is always before me.”

Here’s what Peter wrote at the end of his own life: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power” (1 Peter 1:3-5).

What we have to remember is even with our failings we are shielded by God’s power when we believe, repent and return to our faith. We are saved by the same God who sent his only Son so we could proclaim him as Lord and be safe in the promise of never perishing. Now there’s real hope!

May God continue to bless you with insights of his mercy and love. Feel free to contact me at [email protected], ’cause faith matters!


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