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Best bets for hardy houseplants

Just as plants can make for an inviting space outdoors, so, too, can they revitalize the inside of a home.

Houseplants have several advantages. They can impart a cozy feel to a home, filling in bare areas of rooms where furniture or other furnishings would be too much. Plants are also good for the environment.

They use the carbon dioxide people and animals respire and give off the oxygen everyone needs. This makes them an environmentally friendly addition to the home and one that can help promote healthy indoor air.

Plants can also be mood boosters. Caring for them can be a relaxing hobby, one that offers a feeling of accomplishment.

Houseplants can be cultivated by just about anyone, even if they don’t possess a green thumb. They’re generally easy to care for, provided one begins with some of the hardier varieties. Here are some to consider.

1. Philodendron is easily identified by its glossy, heart-shaped leaves. There are many different species and these plants are some of the most tolerant as houseplants. Philodendrons grow naturally in tropical jungles and prefer medium light. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. Even if one forgets about it for a few days, simply watering the plant can revive it.

2. Wandering Jew quickly produces a large amount of foliage. However, in containers leaves tend to grow toward the end of the stems, creating a sparse look. The plant comes with dark or variegated leaves. It prefers shady areas.

3. Spider plant is another easy-to-care-for variety. They prefer bright natural light but will burn in direct sunlight. Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. And if leaves tend to brown, it could be due the chemicals in municipal water supplies that can damage the plant.

4. The ficus plant/tree loves a filtered sunny spot, so place it in a bright area of the home, but not one that gets sunlight all day. Its leaves will fall off if left in the shade all the time or if it is over-watered. It also cares for high humidity, so mist the plant twice daily.

5. With variegated leaves, pothos is both attractive and simple to maintain. It leads the way as one of the most popular houseplants. Natural, bright, indirect light is best. The leaves and stems will get smaller gradually if not enough light is present. A plant that is under-watered will eventually feature leaves that turn yellow then fall off.

General houseplant care

Correct light and water is generally all that is needed to keep houseplants healthy, particularly these hardy varieties.

In terms of watering, place a finger one inch into the soil. If the soil sticks to the finger upon removal, it’s not yet time to water. If the soil is dry and falls off, it’s time to water.

Houseplants do not need much in the terms of fertilization. Fertilizing once or twice a year is sufficient, and most enriched potting mixes will provide enough nutrients to sustain houseplants.


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