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Put some new twists on classic hot chocolate for the holidays

FALLBROOK - Few things are more comforting than sitting under a comfy blanket and sipping a mug of steaming hot chocolate when temperatures are cold. Hot chocolate seems tailor-made for chilly holiday evenings, providing the perfect indulgence while watching a favorite holiday film, entertaining friends, or warming up after a day or evening spent at Local Events.

The terms "hot chocolate" and "hot cocoa" are used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different beverages. Hot chocolate is made from shaved solid chocolate, which contains both cocoa and cocoa butter. Hot cocoa is made from cocoa powder, which alone does not constitute full chocolate. Either drink can be delicious, and many people prefer one over the other.

While traditional hot chocolate is a favorite for many, there are ways to make this beloved beverage more unique. By experimenting with flavor combinations, hot chocolate can become new again each day.

The following are some flavorful ingredients that can be used to spice up hot chocolate:

  • : Pair a rich, dark, or semi-sweet hot chocolate with a swirl of caramel. The caramel will add sweetness and extra creaminess to the blend.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint and hot chocolate can make for an interesting contrast. The cooling nature of peppermint works nicely with the heat of hot chocolate, imparting a wonderful aroma as well. Melt a candy cane or mint from a restaurant in the mug and enjoy.
  • Nutmeg: What nutmeg does for eggnog it also can do for hot chocolate. Nutmeg offers that earthy bite that calls to mind long days baking in the kitchen.
  • Chile powder: Chile can add a little kick to hot chocolate that works surprisingly well. Add just enough to offer a little tingle of residual heat at the back of the throat. This concoction also may help clear up a case of congestion or the sniffles.
  • Coffee: Add a splash of coffee to the hot chocolate for an instant boost of caffeine and some mocha flavoring.
  • Whipped cream: Create the flavor combination of a chocolate cream pie with a generous dollop of whipped cream. For a truly rich flavor, make a batch of fresh whipped cream, which will also thicken the hot chocolate.
  • Coconut milk: Invoke the tropics by substituting coconut milk for regular milk. It will give the beverage an island flavor!
  • Peanut butter: Few people can resist the combination of chocolate and peanut butter. Melt a spoonful of peanut butter into the beverage and enjoy.
  • Liqueur: Enhance hot chocolate with a favorite liqueur. Orange and raspberry flavorings work well, or try a creamy spirited beverage, like Kahlua or Irish cream.
  • Marshmallows: Of course one of the simplest ways to dress up hot chocolate is to fill the mug to the brim with sweet marshmallows. Try adding cinnamon sticks as stirrers for added flavor.
Put a different spin on hot chocolate with various add-ins. The combinations and possibilities are only limited by one's imagination.


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