Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Use the gift of encouragement

Everyone should be on the lookout for individuals needing a special word of encouragement. A word of encouragement costs nothing, but it could bring life-changing joy to another person. Following are several suggestions to consider.

Be on the lookout for those in need of a word of appreciation.

We tend to pour praise on the most visible achievers who already receive lots of the praise, and we tend to miss those who desperately need to hear that they are appreciated. They’re often the ones working faithfully behind the scenes in so many churches and other organizations. Find them and share a word of encouragement this week.

Share some encouragement with a child.

You never know how a simple word of encouragement might change the trajectory of a child. As Chris Burkmenn said, “Encouragement is like water to the soul, it makes everything grow.”

I recently read a list of “101 Ways to Encourage a Child.” Following is a short sampling of that list: “Wow, Way to Go, Super, You’re special, Outstanding, Excellent, Great, Good job, Well done, I knew you could do it, I’m proud of you, Fantastic, Super star, Nice work, Looking good, You’re on top of it, Beautiful, Now you’re catching on, Now you’ve got it, You’re incredible, Bravo, You’re fantastic, Hurray for you, You’re on the right path, Dynamite, You look beautiful, You’re special and unique, Nothing can stop you now, Good for you, I really like you, You’re a winner, Remarkable job, Beautiful work, Spectacular, You’re darling, You’re precious, Great discovery, You’ve discovered the secret, You figured it out, Fantastic job and more.”

Encourage a friend this week.

Proverbs 27:9 says, “The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.”

Which one of your friends has gone through a painful disappointment and desperately needs some encouragement right now? Remember “A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.”

Remi Roy wrote“25 words of encouragement for your dearest friend.” Here are some of her suggestions for you to share with a dear friend:

“You are a blessing in my life.

I feel safe, loved and understood. Thank you!

Everyone needs a friend like you.

Be strong and courageous. You can do this!

Don’t give up on your dreams!

Your friendship gives my joy.

I’ll never take you for granted.

Thank you for being a loving friend to me.”

And don’t hesitate to tell your friends how much you appreciate all that they do. Nothing is sweeter than knowing that people appreciate who you are and what you do.

Speak the truth in love to your friend.

The truth told in love from a trusted friend can be one the kindest gifts. Don’t be afraid to be honest with each other.

The Bible reminds us that “Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy,” in Proverbs 27:6. Or as Henry Ward Beecher said, “It is one of the severest tests of friendship: to tell your friend his faults.”

When a friend is going through a painful event that has come into their life, there is nothing more encouraging than having a friend be there for them. The book of Proverbs reminds us that “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.”

Go out and find that friend who needs some heartfelt encouragement.


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