Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

2 Things You Shouldn't Do This Thanksgiving

Oil and water don't mix

Help keep holiday grease out of the sewer system

With all the extra cooking that comes with the holidays, we usually see an increase in the number of problems within the sewer system. So as you prepare those tasty turkeys, hams and roasts, keep in mind that kitchen grease and water don't mix.

Kitchen grease poured down the drain is a leading cause of sewer spills in Fallbrook. Oils and fat stick to the sewer pipes and clog passageways, causing back-ups and eventually sewer spills.

You can help! Instead of pouring grease down the drain or garbage disposal, do this:

Pour it into a can and refrigerate it, then dispose of it in a trashcan

Always wipe excess grease from pots, pans, dishes and silverware with a paper towel before washing

No wipes in the pipes

"Flushable" wipes are not safe to flush

Wipes labeled "flushable" aren't really safe to flush down the toilet, even though most brands purchased at grocery stores have "flushable" printed right on the container.

"The thick material is somewhere between a cloth and toilet paper and doesn't really break down in the sewage pipelines," said Jack Bebee, general manager for FPUD.

That could spell disaster. Since the bulky material doesn't break down in the underground pipes that transport sewage to FPUD's treatment plant on Alturas Road, the result could be a clog, eventually causing back-ups and sewer spills.

"You wouldn't shove one down your kitchen sink," Bebee said. "You shouldn't put them down the toilet either."

Submitted by FPUD.


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