Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Think Before You Sip

It happens every day. People take a quick swig from a bottle of water or juice that they thought was theirs. If they’re lucky, the only consequence might be a chiding comment that they’ve picked up the wrong drink. Far too often, though, the consequences are much more serious. The person drinking the “wrong drink” ends up with a mouthful of germs, instead of just a mouthful of refreshment. And for people with food allergies, drinking from a bottle other than their own can even be deadly.

Take a look around your local gym, playground or child’s sporting event and you’ll see countless beverage bottles that look identical. In fact, how many times have you seen your own child pick up a drink that he thought was his and start gulping away? You watch from afar, praying that whomever’s bottle he’s picked up doesn’t have a cold, sore throat -- or worse. And just imagine how many times you or a family member have mistakenly finished a whole bottle of someone else’s beverage. It kind of makes all of the unexplained colds, viruses and cases of stomach flu make sense, doesn’t it?

“In addition to washing your hands frequently, not drinking from other people’s drink containers is perhaps the best way to prevent the spread of germs from person to person,” says Toni Ann Claire, M.D., a pediatrician in East Rockaway, New York. “Bottled drinks are breeding grounds for all types of harmful bacteria, and just a few sips of someone else’s beverage are enough to spread germs and disease.”

Within the past few years, public health officials have made great strides in preventing the spread of germs by advocating frequent hand washing. But when it comes to not drinking out of other people’s glasses, cups or bottles, it’s not just a matter of telling people not to do it. It’s more about helping to prevent drinking from someone else’s drink container unknowingly or, equally as dangerous, preventing someone else from drinking out of your glass or bottle when you’re not around.

To make sure that you’re not putting yourself at increased risk for germs, health experts advise the following:

* At the gym, keep your water bottles close to you. People often reach for the bottle closest to them, and may forget that they left their bottle at another machine.

* Have your bottled beverage stand out from the others. Just marking your name on your bottle isn’t enough. Thirsty people don’t take the time to read the “fine print” -- until it’s too late. To reduce the chances of other people drinking from your bottle or your children’s bottles, consider the latest way to “tag” them. Itz Mine! Beverage ID Tags make it easier for people to keep track of their bottles. The tags come in bright colors and their designs reflect a variety of sports/leisure themes, as well as include a “Property Of” space to write a name. The products are available at sporting goods stores and drug stores nationwide.

“I realized that I was throwing away my water bottles each day at the gym because I couldn’t identify my own, and I was aghast at the thought of drinking out of a stranger’s beverage bottle,” says Itz Mine! founder and president Lisa Moschitta. “The tags give people the peace of mind that they’re not going to get sick from mistakenly drinking from someone else’s bottle at places like the gym, school or sporting events.”

So to stay healthier during any season, remember to keep your drinks to yourself and keep other people’s germs at bay. For more information about Itz Mine! Beverage ID Tags, visit, or call toll free at (866) 427-MINE.


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