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Preserving California’s diverse higher education opportunities

Senator Joel Anderson

District 38 (R)

As a legislator, I swore an oath to uphold the Constitutions of the United States and the State of California, to protect all citizens against discrimination and every person’s liberty to go to the school of their choice.

Under current law, students are free to use their financial aid wherever they choose and private colleges, in full compliance with federal law, may be granted appropriate exemptions to preserve their religious traditions.

Rather than go after discrimination directly in response to specific allegations, SB 1146 was introduced to simply punish all private colleges controlled by religious organizations – and the parents and students that choose to attend them.

The proponents of SB 1146 seem intent on forcing private schools to conform to their personal politics or perish. The bill was originally designed to starve religious schools of Cal Grant tuition unless they conform to a specific agenda. It would have prohibited students who receive Cal Grants from attending the school of their choice.

The bill has since been amended to remove some opposition, but we’ve seen what the ultimate goal is, and it’s important that we stop it before this unprecedented, if incremental, form of discrimination can be built upon.

The bill has passed the Senate and is awaiting a vote in the Assembly.

If you oppose SB 1146, if you agree with me that preserving California’s diverse higher education opportunities is important, send your letter of opposition to [email protected].

I will deliver your letters to the author and to the Assembly.


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