Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Dickinson Family Farms paves the way, bringing organic Julian apples to Jimbo's

FALLBROOK – Dickinson Family Farm Services has fostered a partnership between their clients – Bailey Creek Ranch and Jimbo's Naturally – to make organic Julian apples available to consumers across San Diego County for the first time this fall.

Although San Diego has more small farms than any other county in the state, there is a wide gap between small farmers and local consumers. Dickinson Family Farms has managed to bridge that gap with one more ranch just in time for the apple harvest.

The new owners of Bailey Creek Ranch have spent the past two years intently focused on the regeneration of once destitute apple orchards, making Dickinson Family Farms invaluable in getting the product into consumers' hands.

"As far as the Dickinson Family Farm service," ranch owner Brett Combs said. Oobviously, it's a huge partnership for us to have because it takes the weight of all the marketing, shipping and distribution off our shoulders and allows us to focus on the fruit ... So, I think at the end of the day, having a partner and delegating the responsibility of a lot of that heavy lifting onto them allows us to focus on what's important, which is producing high quality organic fruit."

Recognizing the alignment of Jimbo's values with their own, Dickinson Family Farms reached out to them six months ago as a potential outlet.

"Our values are as much philosophical as economical," Jeff Dickinson, president and CEO of Dickinson Family Farm President and CEO, said, "We're farmers first, so that's what we're committed to and that's what we want our suppliers to be committed to."

Jimbo's is selling eight varieties of apples this season, with the plan to include the ranch's pears and peaches in the coming years as well.

"It's really exciting getting them into our stores with all of the different varieties," Ryan Peterson, regional produce buyer for Jimbo's, said. "A person can go anywhere and buy an apple, but can they buy a Julian apple somewhere? These small niche items really help us to differentiate ourselves."

While much of San Diego's produce is sent to distribution houses in Los Angeles before making its way back to nearby grocers, there are unfortunately no such distribution houses locally.

Kelly Hartford, director of marketing for Jimbo's, said, "Dickinson Family Farms is playing such a key role for these smaller farms to be able to get their crops out to the public."

Residents can support a small, family farm and enjoy the exclusive crisp, sweet flavor of a Julian apple at their local Jimbo's.

Submitted by Dickinson Family Farms.


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